Baby Mattress Fix Flat Head Syndrome

What causes Flat-Head Syndrome?Flat-head syndrome occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot due to hear and pressure on a certain area of the head. Babies are born with a soft skull and flat-head syndrome occurs when a baby is laid too much on their back. The cut out...

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What causes Flat-Head Syndrome?

Flat-head syndrome occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot due to hear and pressure on a certain area of the head. Babies are born with a soft skull and flat-head syndrome occurs when a baby is laid too much on their back. The cut out in our bed allows air to circulate and prevents overheating on certain areas of the head which allows room to support your infant's head so that it does not become flat through the heat and pressure.

The Portable Baby Bed is the perfect complement to your baby hammock. You can take the bed with you anywhere, so you can guarantee that your child will be 100% safe no matter your location.

The bed is adjustable to fit infants of all sizes and can save your child's life. That's because the shape of the portable baby bed imitates the infant's embryo period and has an anti-rollover shaping pillow.

Safe and comfortable for all infants.
Lightweight - Let's face it - you are going to be toting this travel crib around, so it is advantageous to choose a lightweight travel crib, that doesn't sacrifice other key features.
Easy to Assemble - The best travel baby bed should set up as easily as promised by the manufacturer.
Reduces risk of a flat head syndrome
Mimics the shape of a pregnant woman's uterus
Reduces risk factors associated with SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

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